It took me a few attempts as my girls were getting impatient and my belly started to rumble. At the beginning, I hurried and there was no order to my chaotic pile of kindling. A short pause to compile my game plan, and I went at it again with the chaotic pile approach. Don’t laugh, you’ve been there before.
Come on Alex, you know there is at least a little theory to this. I knock the pile down and rebuild a crude log cabin sort of stack. But still, the fire won’t take.
My girls are about to get up, but I insist they give me another minute to get the fire started. I use my new hatchet to whittle down some more kindling and file some thin shavings. For me, making a fire in the woods is a true seasonal thing and it its a lot of fun putting a bit of a show on for the family.
The shavings catch fire quickly and along come the pops and crackles of that first November camp-fire on a cold evening in France.
Just a quick email from me today, as I am close to putting the final touches on the upcoming issue 13 of Advanture Magazine. If all continues to go smooth, that will be available in early December!
The next issue is perfect for the darker months ahead. Whether you are going to hunker down in your van, or enjoy the comforts of life inside, with the help from the next round of contributors we’ve got another beautiful issue curated.
If you are a new reader, or are yet to jump in, then take a look at the special edition which was released earlier this year. It is a curation of issues 1-6, many of which were digital only. This is available on our website.
And just a reminder for those who prefer to shop in-store. WHSmiths in the UK carries Advanture Magazine, and it would push the magazine to that next level if you’d kindly pick up a copy next time you are in town.
Getting the magazine onto the high-street was a massive endeavour for me. Keeping it there is now in the readers’ hands.
Until next time, see you on the road.
Alex / editor Advanture Magazine.
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