Beginnings are hard.
That’s what I thought 3 years ago when I launched Advanture Magazine issue 01 (digital only). The art design was terrible but the stories were on the mark. I knew I could curate a better magazine than those glossy throwaways you find on the highstreet, so I gave it a shot. With a major re-design and 9 issues later, the print magazine is now exactly how I want it to be.
And this is the start of a regular vanlife newsletter, One For The Road.
1. Why the move to Substack?
In the same way I thought I could put together a more valuable magazine experience for you, the reader, I thought it was also time to change the way that I reach out to you too. Without knowing it, I’d fallen into the trap of sending newsletters to the mailing list in the same way that most companies do. It felt spammy and they were falling way short of the quality being delivered through the printed magazine.
So this is my pledge to you. Short form regular notes for the road.
Worthy of staying out of the spam folder.
2. What value will One For The Road deliver?
I’m always out in my van searching for new places to explore or trying new gear. And I know a lot of you are too. So much content doesn’t make it into the print magazine otherwise we’d need a 200-page journal. I want to have an on-going dialogue here with the community of readers in-between issues of Advanture Magazine.
Let’s talk about all the good stuff from trip ideas to the latest gear. If you want, we can also debate the argument for EV campervans - I’m not a fan.
From my side this will include all the thoughts and experiences I have, both on my personal adventures and on those when curating content for the print magazine.
From you, I hope that you become actively engaged in the comments section when you have something to contribute to the community.
3. How often will I receive a newsletter?
Sometimes more often.
4. Never seen a copy of Advanture Magazine?
You need to hold a copy in your hands. Really. Advanture is a reading experience to enjoy over time. It is the only vanlife coffee table style journal available in the world.
100-pages printed on uncoated paper. Carefully curated stories from the road. Minimal advertising, I really don’t like being sold to so I limited the ad slots to a max of 7. FSC certified paper - we all burn fuel so it was the least I could do to offset the publishing.
Use the code 30%substack at checkout on the online store to get a 30% discount on issue 07 or 08 (or both). Available to UK and USA deliveries only.

5. What about issue 09?
I’ve finally been able to see and approve the artwork. It looks fantastic and goes to print on Monday 27th March.
Stick around for the next newsletter, as I’ll release the cover artwork shortly.
Alex, editor.
Feel welcome to connect with me directly here, in the comments.
This is great Alex, a bit of a different venue. Thanks for putting this newsletter together.