Our retro classic is ill
For the past 3 months I have been digging deep into both the cooling and exhaust systems on our adventure VW T3, nicknamed Snickers. After doing as much diagnostics as I know how to, I’d class myself as a serious amateur mechanic by this point in the story, I accepted the fate that the bus most likely has a critical failure of the head gasket and/or cylinder head itself.
A bitter sweet moment for sure. The sky blood red and the darkness of the mountains wrapping me. Snickers chugging away in the cold air, who knows how long it’ll keep going right now.

A favour to ask of you
Advanture Magazine has captured the attention of so many van lifers over the past 12 issues, but it could be something enjoyed by so many more people. If I could ask one favour from you, my passionate reader, is to gift a friend with one of our issues, grab one of our new t shirts, camping mugs or even just a sticker.
Not only will the sales help with some much needed maintenance money for Snickers, but you’ll help us to keep the dream alive of publishing a print magazine in this digital world.

Future issues
Issue 13 is now on the drawing board. If you might be thinking of submitting a story, photo or another idea for the magazine then please do get in touch with me and say hello. The pages of the magazine are there for people to use as a printed expression for their own road trips and creative pursuits.
I am 100% open to all story ideas, and also if you just want to drop a line to have a chat then I’d appreciate that too. Like living the vanlife, and beer, as much as I do? We’ll get along well.
Contact me on Instagram or via email editor@advanturemagazine.com
Cheers and hope to see you on the road.
Alex, editor.