VW T3 video update
We’ve owned Snickers, the 1990 VW T3 Caravelle, for just over two months now. Here is a deeper look into what we bought, and what we’ve been doing with it so far.
Advanture Magazine issue 10
The opening month was a massive success for the latest issue. We are already down to below 30% stock (in just a month!), so be sure to order your copy this weekend. Shop here for magazines
WHSmiths UK
You can also now find Advanture at your local WHS store, both high street and travel (incl Gatwick and Heathrow airports). Go flick through the pages to see what the magazine is all about, and why there is nothing else like it.
Extra photos from issue 10
There were so many amazing photos from issue 10 that didn’t make the print edition. I will compile them into a few newsletters, or a web article I think. until then, here are some of the best from the Sam Gosling interview supported by YETI, shot by Michal Fidowicz.